Amplify Your Earnings By Mastering Innovative Sales Strategies, Follow-up Techniques, and Closing Tactics...

Discover how hundreds of sales professionals and entrepreneurs significantly increased their sales after working with

The OG Damn Leads Crew!

What is the OG Damn Leads Crew?

The OG Damn Leads Crew is a game-changing sales training program created by seasoned expert Drewbie Wilson. We’ve helped hundreds of sales professionals streamline their processes, boost revenue, and increase business growth — and now it’s your turn.

Stop losing opportunities because of poor follow-up or outdated strategies. Drewbie’s program gives you a clear, proven system to transform every potential lead into a closed deal.

What's in Store for You?

  • Master follow-up techniques that turn leads into loyal clients.

  • Confidently close deals without feeling pushy or salesy.

  • Optimize your sales process for consistent results.

  • Boost revenue and scale your business with strategies that work in today’s market.

  • Join a community of driven professionals and learn from guest speakers.

Meet Drewbie Wilson, your guiding light in the world of sales.

With years of experience under his belt, Drewbie has created an enriching program that will make you a force to reckon with in the sales department. He is the founder and host of The OG Damn Leads Crew, your one-stop-shop for all things sales.

Drewbie Wilson, a renowned sales expert, is here to share innovative sales strategies derived from years of experience in the field. He has crafted this effective training program after identifying the critical need for a comprehensive, practical, and result-oriented sales course. After years of successes and learning experiences, Drewbie is all set to share his secrets with you.

Why Traditional Sales Approaches Fail

The old-school sales techniques don’t cut it anymore. In today’s market, you need to stand out. That’s where our innovative strategies come in — crafted and battle-tested over decades in sales. This isn’t just about natural talent; it’s about having a clear, proven system that you can rely on.


The Key To Securing Sales

The power of effective follow-up is often overlooked in traditional sales approaches. However, a well-crafted follow-up strategy can turn potential leads into successful sales. Drewbie's program will equip you with proven follow-up techniques that pave the way to closing deals efficiently.


It's Not Enough

While having a knack for sales can definitely be advantageous, it alone is not sufficient to constantly secure deals in this competitive market. Systematic training and continuous learning can equip you with the right skills and tactics to excel in sales. The OG Damn Leads Crew is designed to cater to lacking areas and enhance your skills, regardless of your natural sales aptitude.


The Significant Impact of Inadequate Sales Training

Neglecting effective sales training can result in inefficiencies, missed opportunities, and less-than-impressive sales numbers. With Drewbie's hands-on and practical sales training program, you can amplify your sales performance by mastering groundbreaking sales techniques and follow-up strategies.

What Makes the OG Damn Leads Crew Different?

You’re not just learning more sales theory — you’re getting hands-on coaching with Drewbie Wilson and a community of like-minded professionals. Through weekly calls, expert guest speakers, and a step-by-step sales framework, you’ll have everything you need to hit your sales targets without overwhelm.

Embrace The Transformation:

Experience a significant surge in your sales and revenue...


Ready to Crush Your Sales Goals?

Join the OG Damn Leads Crew and unlock your full potential.

Here’s what’s included:

  • Weekly group calls where we break down winning strategies.

  • Guest speaker sessions to keep you ahead of the game.

  • Exclusive access to the “Closing the Loop” course on effective follow-up.

  • One-on-one support to help you apply the system to your business.

Here’s how it works:

$2997 for 6 months of full access to the OG Damn Leads Crew program.

After 6 months, you have the option to continue month-to-month for $200/month and maintain access to calls, updates, and ongoing support.

Limited spots available — only 25 new clients per month!

Should you not be satisfied with the program, we offer a 30 day money-back guarantee.

Backed by data-driven and proven strategies, this program is crafted to aid your sales growth.

Unlock Your Sales Potential Now!

Kickstart your journey to becoming a sales powerhouse today with The OG Damn Leads Crew!

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DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM CALL THE DAMN LEADS